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JailATM.com SupportAccount
ID Verification
ID VerificationDue to Federal regulations, some accounts must pass an ID verification before activation.
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Create An AccountHow-To Create An Account
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Edit Account DetailsHow-To Edit Account Details
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Forgotten PasswordHow-To Reset Your Password
Are you missing our email? Try The Following Steps:
For more information on the safe senders list, please contact your email provider.
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Close AccountHow-To Close Account
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Reactivating your accountHow-To Reactivate your account:
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Add Payment MethodHow-To Add A Payment Method
Note: To use this card to fund your messaging subscription, click the check box beside "Would you like to make this card your messaging subscription payment method?" before clicking Save. This will cause it to replace the card currently being used to fund your messaging subscription.
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Edit Payment MethodHow-To Edit Or Remove Your Payment Method
Note: You must cancel your messaging subscription before you can remove your card or edit the card information being used for the messaging subscription.
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Change Email AddressYour email address is the unique identifier for your account and allows us to track your deposits and messages.
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Missing Activation EmailDidn't receive our activation email? Try The Following Steps: 1. Check your junk / spam folder for the message Still having trouble? Try another email provider. We are constantly working on increasing our deliverability with all email providers, in the meantime, you may want to try using an alternate email address for JailATM.com. Important Note: If our email is being blocked by your email provider, internet service provider or inbox software you may not be able to receive our reply to your support tickets. Please consider using an alternate email address for JailATM.com.
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Mobile DevicesOur website was not designed with mobile devices in mind. While features may work while accessing JailATM with a mobile device, you may experience issues. If the issues persist, we recommend attempting the action using a computer. Mobile Devices Are Not Supported
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Unsubscribed From Emails Pop-UpYou are seeing this pop-up when you login to your JailATM.com account to let you know that you have unsubscribed from JailATM emails. This means you will not get notification emails from JailATM.com. Being unsubscribed will prevent you from being able to reset your password for JailATM.com or reactivate your JailATM.com account if deactivated. Re-subscribing is not required to use JailATM.com, but it is recommended.
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Accepted Payment Methods
Accepted Payment MethodsCurrently we accept the following cards: Note: Although other cards may work we do not support any that are not on the list above. Prepaid Cards are not supported.
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FeesThe fee to make a deposit can vary by facility. When sending money the fee will be displayed after searching for the resident you are making the deposit to and you will be asked to confirm the total amount before the transaction is processed.
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How Do I Make A Deposit
How-To Make A Deposit
Note: If successful, youll be brought to a receipt screen where you can either print the receipt or return to the home screen.
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Deposit Limit ReachedIn order for JailATM.com to remain compliant with the Anti-Money Laundering Act, as well as prevent other forms of fraud, we limit any one resident a maximum of $300.00 a week. This means, any combination of deposits from 1 or more JailATM.com users cannot exceed $300.00 between the calendar week of Sunday to Saturday. Note: This deposit limit may vary by facility.
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Resident Transfers to Another Facility or is ReleasedWhen an inmate is transferred to another facility, the money in his or her commissary account is generally transferred with them. This will depend on the policies of the facility where the gift card deposit was made to. If more information is required you will need to contact the facility for details on their policy. We do not have access to the resident's account other than depositing the funds. We can not transfer funds from one facility to another.
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Where Is My DepositMost deposits arrive within 24-48 hours of processing. If the deposit is missing after this, please contact the facility immediately to initiate an investigation.
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Deposit Made to Incorrect ResidentIn the event that your deposit was applied to the wrong resident, immediately call the facility the deposit was made to. Ask the officer to transfer the funds to the correct resident. If the facility is unable to complete your request ask if they can place the deposit on hold and refund it. Lastly, if neither request can be met please select "Contact Us" and fill out the form below. We will reply within 72 business hours.
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Transaction FailedThere are a several reasons a transaction may have failed, here are a few of the most common ones:
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Payer Authentication
Payer Authentication
If you receive the error code "Payer Authentication has failed" when you attempt to complete a transaction, your transaction was declined due to a failed login of your Verified by Visa/MasterCard SecureCode account.
If you receive the error code "Payer Authentication was unable to complete" when you attempt to complete a transaction, your card provider is requiring that the security page be filled out, but their page is not providing the security page for you to access it and fill it out.
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Duplicate DepositIn the event that your deposit was applied twice, immediately call the facility the deposit was made to. Ask the officer to place the deposit on hold and refund it. If the facility is unable to complete your request please select "Contact Us" and fill out the form below and we will reply within 72 business hours.
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Deposit Refund RequestsAll sales are final. Please see another topic for specific instructions on your deposit issue.
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Resident BalanceDue to privacy issues, we are unable to disclose any account activity of residents. For balance inquiries, please contact the facility.
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Deposit and Charge HistoryYour 'Deposit/Charge History' is a list of transactions you have made for the resident. This includes deposits into their commissary account and commissary orders.
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Missing ResidentWhen searching for a resident within JailATM.com please use four or more letters of their last name before clicking Search. If you are still unable to find the resident please contact the facility for their resident ID. For any other issues the facility will contact Tech Friends directly to work on any technical difficulties with the website.
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Social Security Number RequirementSocial Security Number Requirement
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Messaging Subscription Explanation
Messaging Subscription Explanation
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Setup Messaging SubscriptionHow-To Setup Messaging Subscription
If you have not already entered your payment information, you will be prompted to do so after step 5. You will be returned to the My Account page if successfully completed.
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Refill Messaging SubscriptionHow-To Refill Your Messaging Subscription
If you attempt to send a message or open a collect message and do not have enough credit on your account to fund the action, you will be prompted to fund your account.
You may be required to fill out a security/added protection form. If the form appears, it must be filled out correctly and approved by the card issuer before the transaction can be successfully completed. Note: You will only be able to refill your messaging subscription when it has been entirely depleted.
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Disable Messaging SubscriptionHow-To Disable Messaging Subscription
You will be returned to the My Account page if completed successfully.
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Change Card Funding Messaging SubscriptionHow-To Change The Card Funding Your Messaging Subscription
You will be returned to the My Account page if completed successfully.
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Send a MessageHow-To send a message:
Note: Your message may be subject to review before the recipient is allowed to receive it. Please see "Email is Pending Review" for more information.
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Send an ImageHow-To send an image:
Note: Your image may be subject to review before the recipient is allowed to receive it. Please see "Email is Pending Review" for more information.
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Rules for ImagesThe following rules are programmatically enforced when uploading images:
Each facility may have it's own rules for allowed images. Refunds are not available for images rejected by the facility.
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Reference Code XYZZYIf you received this reference code while trying to send an email, please create a support ticket at your earliest convenience. The following instructions will help you get a quick response to this ticket.
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Email is Pending ReviewIf the facility has opted to approve all messages before they can be delivered to the resident, your message will have a 'Pending Review' status until it is reviewed by an officer and approved for delivery.
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Missing Resident - EmailWhen searching for a resident within JailATM.com please use four or more letters of their last name before clicking Search. If you are unable to find the resident please contact the facility for their Resident ID. For any other issues the facility will contact Tech Friends directly to work on any technical difficulties with the website.
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Message Not Sent - Draft not saving
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Block or Unblock ResidentsUsing the following steps you can block residents, so that they can not send you messages. You may unblock a blocked resident at any time.
You will be returned to the My Account page if completed successfully.
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Email Refund RequestAll sales are final. Please see another topic for specific instructions on your email issue.
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Email and Video Visitation Charge HistoryYour 'Email/Video Account History' is a list of transactions you have made to fund your JailATM.com account for messaging or video visitation.
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Missing MessagesMessages expire 14 days after being read and will no longer be available for viewing on your account. Unfortunately, there is not a way to retrieve messages that have expired.
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Commissary Packs
What is a Commissary Allowance
What is a Commissary AllowanceA Commissary Allowance allows you to provide an allowance to a resident without making a deposit. This allowance can only be used for commissary and will not be added to the resident's commissary account. When the resident orders commissary this allowance is used before the resident's commissary balance. The resident will not be notified of the available allowance. It is your responsibility to notify the resident of the available allowance. Note: If the resident uses only some of the allowance, but not all of it, the remaining will be removed from their allowance and only the amount they used will be charged to the card.
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Create a Commissary AllowanceHow-To Create a Commissary Allowance
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View Commissary Allowance ReceiptsHow-To View Commissary Allowance Receipts
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Make a Commissary OrderHow-To Make a Commissary Order
Note: Some facilities have you pay for the order at the time that it is placed. With orders at these facilities, you will be brought to a receipt screen where you can either print the receipt or return to the home screen. If the order is charged when the facility's orders are processed, you will not be charged at the time that the order is placed, and you will not receive a receipt at that time. Your order will show as Ready to Process and you will be charged when the facility's orders post. You will be emailed a receipt when the order is processed. Most facilities post orders once per week.
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Commissary Pack HistoryYour 'Commissary Pack History' is a list of commissary orders that you have placed for the resident.
Order may have the following statuses:
Paid: The order has been submitted and paid for. Incomplete: The payment method need to be selected for this order. Click the "Change Order" button to edit the order, select the payment method and submit the order. Cancelled: The order was cancelled by the user. Note: Only orders showing as "Ready to Process" or "Incomplete" can be changed or cancelled.
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Cancel an OrderHow-To Cancel a Commissary Order
If successful, you will be returned to you Commissary Pack History and the status for the order will show as "Cancelled" Note:Order can only be cancelled if showing as "Ready to Process" or "Incomplete". Orders that show as "Paid" cannot be cancelled or edited.
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Commissary Pack TrackingCommissary Pack shipment timeframes depends on the commissary company. In most cases the company will have your order delivered within a week of your purchase. If the order has not been delivered within a week, please click "Contact Us" and fill out the form. We will reply within 72 business hours.
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Resident transferred or releasedIn the event the resident is no longer at the facility when the order arrives, the facility will decide what to do with the Commissary Pack. We recommend calling the facility as soon as possible to determine what options are available to you.
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Missing Resident for Commissary PacksWhen searching for a resident within JailATM.com please use four or more letters of their last name before clicking "Search." If you are still unable to find the resident please contact the facility for their resident ID. For any other issues the facility will contact Tech Friends directly to work on any technical difficulties with the website.
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Commissary Pack RefundsAll sales are final. Please see another topic for specific instructions on your commissary issue.
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Video Visitation
Schedule a Video Call
Schedule a Video CallFollow these steps to schedule a call.
Note: 'In Facility' calls do not cost.
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Connect to a Scheduled CallHow-To Connect to a Scheduled Call
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Making a Direct Dial CallHow-To Make a Direct Dial Call.
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Cancel a Scheduled CallHow-To Cancel to a Scheduled Call
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Video Visitation Setup and TroubleshootingPlease follow the steps below before your first video visit or if you are having trouble with a visit.
Note: Camera and Microphone permissions are required for video visitation. Please grant permission if prompted, or check your browser/Flash settings. Video Test
Note: If you do not meet the expectations defined in step 4 you may be experiencing an issue with your hardware.
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Volume TroubleshootingWe recommend using a headset with a microphone attached instead of a microphone and speakers. Using a microphone with speakers can cause feedback that may impact sound quality.
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Refund RequestJailATM.com does not issue credits or refunds for issues originating from the callers end including but not limited to:
For any other refund requests please select "Contact Us" and fill out the form. Note: All refunds requests are reviewed on a per issue basis within 72 hours of the request. If approved, the refund will be issued as a credit to your account.
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Video Visitation on Mobile DevicesYour mobile device may not be compatible with JailATM video visitation.
Note:Older versions of Android may work but are not supported. Devices using older iOS versions are not supported. Video visitation works best when using a home computer or laptop. Please follow the steps provided under the topic "Video Visitation Setup and Troubleshooting" to setup and troubleshoot issues with video visitation.
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Time Zone or Scheduling issuesTo avoid issues with video calls and scheduling due to time zone differences, please make sure that your time zone is set correctly on your account.
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Enable Mic and Camera
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Set Up SMS Notifications
Set Up SMS NotificationsHow-To Setup SMS Notifications
Once the code is verified, you will receive a page stating that the setup is complete. You may then click "Compose Message" or "Return To Menu" Note: Prior correspondence with the resident is required for the above mentioned method to be available. If you have not had prior correspondence with the resident, you will be prompted to set up SMS when you try to send a message through JailATM.
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Disable SMS NotificationsHow-To Disable SMS Notification
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Changing Phone Number For SMS NotificationsHow-To Change the Phone Number For SMS Notifications
You will be returned to the My Account page if successfully completed.
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Reading SMS Messages OnlineHow-To Read SMS Messages Online
Note: Messages that are sent or received via SMS can be read online within 14 days of the message being received. Messages expire and can no longer be viewed online 14 days after being received.
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Paying For SMS NotificationsSMS Notifications are paid for using a Messaging Subscription. Please view the information under the Email tab for more information on Messaging Subscriptions. Unlike standard messaging, there is not a way for the resident to pay to send the messages you receive as SMS notifications. You must pay for all messages you send or receive via SMS. Note: SMS Notifications are charged at the same rate as messages sent through the JailATM website . Pricing may vary by facility.
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Sending ImagesSending picture messages is available via SMS for select facilities.
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Number Visibility To ResidentsThe resident will not be able to see your phone number. The resident will reply to your SMS in the same manner as replying to a message sent through the JailATM website. It is not possible for the resident to enter a phone number as a recipient for messages.
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Carrier CompatibilityThe JailATM SMS notification system works with all major U.S. cell phone providers. However, there may be some SMS capable numbers that may not work with our SMS notification system. If you are unable to receive the SMS verification code or SMS notifications, please attempt entering a different cell phone number to receive SMS notifications.
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How SMS Notifications Work - SummaryHere are some of the key points about how SMS Notifications with JailATM work:
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Rules and Restrictions
Please click Here to read the rules and restrictions for SMS notifications.
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SMS Messaging Character LimitsSMS Messages through JailATM are limited to 160 characters per messages. In the event that the message you send or receive is over 160 characters in length, the message will be broken up into 160 character segments and you will be charged for each SMS that is used to send or receive the message. SMS character limits may change at anytime without notification.
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IPhone Short SMS IssueDue to the way iPhone has started sending text messages in iOS 11, when you use a character such as an apostrophe, the iPhone turns your message into something called UNICODE. UNICODE takes up twice as much space as a normal message. This can result in messages sent from an iPhone breaking up into multiple short messages. You will be charged for each message that is sent. To prevent sending multiple short messages while using an iPhone, please consider turning off the "Smart Punctuation". On your iPhone:
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For further assistance with online deposits please call our Customer Support at 1-877-810-0914.
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